Limited Servo Travel

Hi All,


I am posting this from my flying site so I can test straight away.


I am getting very limited servo movement on in all modes other than manual. It’s not enough to control the plane.


What do I need to trim/adjust to get more servo travel?





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  • So 800 min and 2200 max for me

    • thanks :) I've manage to solve it

      • Great. Try to hand launch in stabilize mode at whatever necessary engine speed, you'll love it, the plane will take off on a rail ! I am throwing my Bixler with 2 fingers and big smile :-)

        • I'm flying FT versa wing. Hand launchings are intense :D This week alone I had 3 crashes at start - unnecessary trim and high winds. Now that I've mange to stabilize PIDs, I'll try to launh it in stabilize mode. Had to build a new wing anyway :D

  • I have the opposite problem - to much servo travel in stabilize mode ( and any other avto mode). Could you explain to me how to configure, please? I'm a noob at this, but I'm catchig up ;) (sorry for my bad english..)

  • Developer
    Great. If you ran into anything confusing, let us know how we should update the manual.
  • Developer
    Look in your config header:

    These options set the travel limits. If you have SET_RADIO_LIMITS set to one, you need to do the calibration with each start.

    #define SET_RADIO_LIMITS 0 // 0 = no, 1 = set the limits of the Channels with the radio at launch each time; see manual for more
    #define CH1_MIN 1000 // (Microseconds) Range of Ailerons/ Rudder
    #define CH1_MAX 2000 // (Microseconds)
    #define CH2_MIN 1000 // (Microseconds) Range of Elevator
    #define CH2_MAX 2000 // (Microseconds)
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