Limits of a quad rotor for training falcons

Hello,  I am into falconry and at this time use kites or helium balloons and spectra line to raise bait weighing about 200 grams.  The training involves increasing the height the falcon goes to retrieve the bait to about 1500 ft.

The problem is in early fall when I train there is usually not enough wind.  I need 10mph+for the kite.  And the balloon needs winds completly calm, which rarely happens.  There can be weeks go by where conditions are not correct.

From what I have read, the controls for a quad are not the problem.  Question is can one be built to reach 1500ft and hold there for the 20 minutes it might take for the falcon to reach the bait hung 50 below the quad on a quick release?

Has anyone gotten this type of time and altitude?  I assume this is motor-battery-weight specs.


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  • 20 minutes, not likely, more like 15-18 if you really optimize it.

    But I think your going to demolish a falcon pretty hard with a couple pounds of spinning plastic or fiberglass.

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