
LiPo Battery Problems

Hi all!

I am sick of using lithium polymer batteries lately. After using a battery for one month, it discharges faster then before. Also, while recharging it, I need to stay close to it for safety reasons (overheat, overcharge, explosions: as recommended on many blogs). And finally, each time the voltage on one of the cells drops below a certain threshold, I throw away the battery (NimH charging is damaging the batteries).

Do you have any suggestion other than LiPo batteries? If no, what should I do to prevent all of these issues?



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  • I suggest that they place their LiPo batteries after each run in storage mode. It will build up customs that are good, although this is not necessary per se. Should you do it each time, you do not need to be worried about whether you remembered to set it. I've had many clients come to me that died because they billed it up, intending to use it, but life got in the way and they never remembered to return into storage voltage. Lithium-Polymer batteries may be ruined by sitting completely billed for as little as a week. This does not mean that they will get ruined each time you abandon them for more than a week. It means that they could, and I have seen it occur. Don't forget once you are done together to place your LiPos.

    Learn more - visit the main site: for info about Custom Lithium-Ion Battery Pack Manufacturer
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    Since 2008, JB BATTERY has been designing and assembling custom battery solutions in all chemistries and for all electronic applications.
  • I am sick of using lithium polymer batteries lately. After using a battery (for a well known manufacturer) for one month, it discharges faster than before. Also, while recharging it, I need to stay close to it for safety reasons (overheat, overcharge, explosions: as recommended on many blogs). And finally, each time the voltage on one of the cells drops below a certain threshold, I throw away the battery (NimH charging is damaging the batteries).

    Do you have any suggestion other than LiPo batteries especially for drones? If no, what should I do to prevent all of these issues?

    You are abusing your batteries. Stop doing that, and they will last longer and stop blowing up.

    If you need to stay close while charging, then your charger isn't doing its job right. You can't just get a random lithium battery, charge it with a random lithium battery charger, and expect all to be fine. You really can't expect "NiMH charging" to work properly for lithium batteries. That one should have been obvious. Each battery has its own specs. Most likely your charger is applying too much voltage or current.

    Lithium cells can also be damaged by discharging too deeply or too quickly. You have to make sure whatever device you run them in contains smarts to shut off when the batteries get too low.

    Get good batteries, get the right charger that is matched to those batteries, and make sure your device handles the batteries properly during discharge. Then lithium batteries should give you good service.

  • I think you'd better read this Lipo battery guide:

    To know more these Lipo battery knowledge: 

    "How to maintain the Lipo battery?"
    "Lipo battery Safety"

    It will tell you how tell charger and dscharge your Lipo battery.

  • This sounds like a problem of not charging your batteries correctly. What charger are you currently using? If you are using some cheap 15$ and it is ruining your batteries, you should probably invest in a better charger. The prices may seem high, but If you are relying on a bad charger currently, and wasting batteries because of it, you will end up spending less money.

  • Well it sounds like your house is going to burn down...

    But no really lipos dont just kill themselves.

    Get yourself a good charger...

  • Get a better charger! I would recommend using an Icharger, 308DUO or 410DUO would do the job.

    • Moderator

      So those chargers will help me prevent throwing away batteries? Aren't they a bit too expensive?

      • Well it will save you money in the long run. Sounds like you're throwing away batteries which is never cheap! Spend some money on a good charger and your batteries will love you.

        Never over discharge your batteries past 80-90%

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