Location of servo drivers in code base ?

Hello All,


I am looking for the low level drivers that talk directly to the digital IO for driving the servos. I see references to the drivers in the APM code modules: 

servo_out[CH_ROLL]      = reverse_roll   * (radio_in[CH_ROLL] 




APM_RC.OutputCh(y, radio_out[y]); // send to Servos


case CH_7_TOGGLE:
            event_undo_value = readOutputCh(7);
            APM_RC.OutputCh(7, event_value); // send to Servos
            undo_event = 2;
            event_undo_value = 1;


However I cannot locate where these modules live in the code base ? 

My goal is to modify the low level driver to drive a motor driven hydraulic actuator, not the usual RC PWM but ultimately a pulse modulated approach. But I would prefer to stick with the defined output ports for code consistency, that is not use new IO pins.


Thanks for any guidance.





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  • Developer

    These are in the Libraries. See AP_RC.cpp for the functions you're looking for.


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