I have the APM 2.5 with 2.4 ghz wireless telemetry kit that works fine.

What i basically want to do is use some of the raw accel/gyro values to write a program in which i will be estimating the position/velocity of the arducopter as it flies around.

What would be the best way to obtain these values?

Would i be better off trying to extract this data from the mission planner using the serial port, or directly from my wireless xbees and trying to read this serial data within my code?

I will either be using Visual Studio 2010 or Arduino 1.0.3 for this.

Can anyone point me in the right direction, as im fairly new to this kinda stuff.

P.S Ive noticed that in Arduino 1.0.3, the Arduino Mega 2560 is listed under tools/board, but there is no sign of the APM 2.5.

Any help would be appreciated.

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  • Were you able to get this resolved?

    I am looking to have another application that i wrote get the GPS position from mission planner in real time.

    Nuno Pessanha Santos said:

    Hi Shyam,

    I only want to receive the sensor information (GPS, Compass and Accelerometer) in a simple computer by USB (serial) from the APM.

    Do you know some similar implementation or do you have same information about that?




    Logging Raw accelerometer and gyro data from mission planner for C++/arduino programming.
    I have the APM 2.5 with 2.4 ghz wireless telemetry kit that works fine. What i basically want to do is use some of the raw accel/gyro values to write…
  • From my understanding of Mission Planner. It is used to see the 'visualize' real time data, using Telemetry/Xbee. What I mean by visualize the real-time data is the current position of flight on the google map (using on-board GPS).

    The log files are stored on the on-board data-flash memory which you get once your flight (here, quadcopter) is back to the ground and then you can analyze it the way you want. Although I am afraid, if you can study this data in the real-time from Mission Planner. Guess, the @developer who developed this can answer it better.

    My suggestion:

    When you use the receiver telemetry on your PC, you get the real-time data from the telemetry Txm from Quadcopter. You can send the required data via Serial2 port which streams to PC that receives it. Use the VS 2010 to receive this serial port data and write an algorithm to study this and better still plot/ graph this in real-time! Sounds very much plausible!

    I have done similar stuff using Serial port (USB) at a fast Baud rate, it works flawlessly. However, trying it via Telemetry should be not much different, I suppose.

    Note: DataFlash is used for onboard storage, (with various options that can be set in Mission Planner on what all types of data you will want to log during onboard flight) to be retrieved only later when flight is back on ground, connect it via USB to retrieve the log(s) and analyze. This log has .LOG extension, is not in .TXT format. You use a conversion tool in Mission planner to convert it to .TXT (if you wanted to). FYI:


    • Hi Shyam,

      You said:

      "I have done similar stuff using Serial port (USB) at a fast Baud Rate..."

      I want to use APM for a moving platform, but I want to use a windows based computer and I need to read the GPS and pose information from the APM.

      Could you share some details of your implementation? Did you do any topic talking about that?


      • Hi Nuno,


        You just touched upon a year old forum post :) I don't have it on top of my head right now, on what I did then.

        If you want a Windows based solution, you can interface (via wireless Telemetry) the APM and the Mission Planner (laptop) - you would need to wireless telemetry, one connected to the Laptop and the other to the on-board platform (where your APM resides). The Mission Planner will receive all the required real-time information from the APM (such as 3D position (Lat, Lon and height) and sensor values.

        How do you wish to implement it, do you want to do some processing at the APM side or do you wish to use the ground station to do the required tasks? Both are possible.



        • Hi Shyam,

          I only want to receive the sensor information (GPS, Compass and Accelerometer) in a simple computer by USB (serial) from the APM.

          Do you know some similar implementation or do you have same information about that?




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