Loiter, Alt Hold, and Auto Issues

Hello all!


I have a few questions:

  1. The copter flies pretty good and I'm completely comfortable with the sticks.  They are still a little touchy, but manageable.  When I flip into Loiter mode, the copter starts to bounce up and down.  It progressively gets worse and eventually goes up 4ft and back down 4ft before I switch back to manual to take over once my nerves have been wrecked.  Ha!  Thoughts?
  2. I create a simple waypoint course and make sure that I get a good GPS signal after powering up.  When I take off, I get it to hover just a few seconds, and then I flip the switch to auto to run the waypoint course.  I notice instantly that the copters heading is leading with the front right arm.  (Ironically, I have the GPS mounted on that arm...I don't think that matters, but maybe it does....)  Regardless, the same issue happens with altitude when coming back or even navigating waypoints, it gets really bouncy...Up and down, up and down...  I've tested sonar and it seems to be working in the CLI.
  3. As you can imagine, using Altitude Hold mode, clearly doesn't work for me.. ha!


Any help would be appreciated.  I'll keep scouring the forums as well.  Thanks!


I'm running a quadrocopter DJI Flame Wheel 450 with stock motors, props, ESCs, a 4s 3250 battery pack, APM2.5 running ArduCopter 2.9.1b w/Ublox GPS (no compass on GPS), and a sonar.  My current PIDs are as follows:


Angular Rate














Altitude Hold

Altitude Error



Thrust Rate





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  • When running way-points or doing RTL does it take a straight line or does it go wide and kind of circle the point some.

    I had that issue and had to turn off "Auto Dec" under the Compass in "Hardware Options" which seems to have helped that issue.  

    I am also dealing with the bouncing in ALT hold but I have been able to tune it down to just a throttle pulse, which is still annoying.  Getting vibration down to +-1 to +-2 did help.

  • T3
    Altitude hold is the base of loiter and auto. What is your zAccel graph look like? It needs to between -5 and -15.
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