Loiter Crash (GPS loss and then?!)

Hi - sorry for the yet another "please look at my log request" 

I recently took my DIY tricopter (pixhawk) abroad for a chance to take some more interesting photos. This was my second flight of the week after a very successful loiter assisted panorama of where I was staying from. So much the same as the first one I waited for GPS lock before taking off and hovering a couple of meters above ground level to check everything is working as it should. Unknown to me at the time (no telemetry yet!) it had only acquired 6 satellites which it then lost, triggering the GPS Failsafe and then subsequently a EKF failsafe (which should have triggered land? ) at this point my tricopter lost stability and started accelerating towards a nearby rowing boat. At this point I switched to stabilize but despite this I only had control over yaw and subsequently sent my tricopter into a rowing boat backwards.

Thankfully only damage was a prop and possibly the external compass which no longer seems to be functioning despite having still been working (from the look of the logs) even after the crash. 

So whilst I fully accept responsibility for the loiter failure as user error I am interested as to what caused the dive towards the boat and what caused my inability to alter its will for self destruction. 

Log Files Attached. Can Supply the video from the on board camera if that would be of use.




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  • Oh and the barometer readings went faulty too :/
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