Looking for a connector.

I am about to do another paparazzi systems integration on a Nexstar. Since the GPS is on the AP board, I have to mount the AP where it has a clear view of the sky. Previously I have cut the fuse aft of the wing, and mounted the AP there, but I have never been that satisfied with that solution.I would like to mount the AP in the wing along with the xbee module, and IR Sensors. I also want to run a single cable from the wing to the fuse. A simple AP install like this would require 8 wires. To make room for future sensors or camera control, I would like to run a 16 wire cable.My problem so far is locating the proper connector. Ideally I would like to use a 16 pin connector, that is lightweight, keyed, and locking, but that can also be disconnected with minimal force.Does anyone know of a connector like this?The best idea I have so far is to run two cables and use RJ45 (ethernet) connectors, but I think I can find something better.

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  • Both Allied Electronics and Newark carry a wide variety of connectors. You can likely find one that suits the wire/power requirements at either site. Although, most of the connectors are probably going to be larger and heavier than you want.
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