looking for aerial videos/image sequences

Hi,in order to investigate the potential of some vision application i'm looking for aerial videos taken with a downward facing camera.Preferably the video was recorded on board the plane so transmission didn't introduce error. Optimally the camera had a rather long focal length and the ground was structured in any way instead of of a plain color. It would be perfect if there existed a frame synchronized stream of IMU and GPS data.Ok, that were the requirements for the perfect video but i'm happy with ANY video (or photo sequence with high frequency (like the type that might be stiched together to a map)).In return i will share the results here in case they are usable in some way (or at least not embarrassing).I'm planning on evaluating some algorithms for on board vision applications. In the past i have built my own embedded cameras with integrated vision processors. So far i'm using them only on the ground but it would be cool to get them into the air.Thanks in advance, Jørn

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  • Jorn,

    Email me at leasurem@purdue.edu we have video and still shots over a 6 year period in all lighting and with various UAS platforms.
  • HI,
    Pm your email add to me.. I can send you some.
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