Loss power when yaw


still there and i'm sorry for that but i'm really newbie... My quad rotor won't found so that i made a new one. I use the same receiver and transmitter to control it and same batteries but all the other parts are new, esc, motor, frame, power board, apm board, gps and so on... Now i get the same problem. When i yaw to the left or to the right the motors loss power and the arducopter go down but after that it try to get power quickly, so i get an up-down like yo-yo only when i yaw. If i don't yaw AC fly but yaw to the right and if i try to correct it with transmitter i get the power loss... Could be the battery? or the receiver?



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  • Ok.. More test... changed props from 12x3.8 to 10x4.7      Much much better...

    Flies great...  Everything works better... very stable... no change in alt with Yaw...

    Only problem.. Not much vertical power but enough for my needs...

    Changed to 11x4.7   problem came back but not as bad... Added weight and it went away...

    12x4.7 are will work with a very heavy copter.. I guess I will just 4 x 4S5000 on board and take a lil trip..

    the motors are 3020 600kv...  I bet smaller motors would help also.. as these bearly get warm.

  • Correction... Mine still does it bad...  Climbs and falls with yaw input..

    I could not use the small props because they fluttered at high power..


    Ok...I think I found the problem... I just changed props and that fixed everything... Flies Far better now.. !!

    I am now using a much smaller prop and the RPMs are way up..   I found if the power is too low for hover, nothing works right...

    Before mine was hovering very quitely and at very low rpms.... but after changing the PID 20 times... It still did not fly right!!..   More weight helped... then smaller props fixed it..




  • ok.. found something that helps...  I was flying with 4S5000... Then I installed 2 x 4S5000.. much heavier..

    They got rid of most of the problem..  It still climbs when the rudder is recentered but not that much..

    Hope this helps.. running cheepo 3020-600 motors.. ~300 watt each




    Still doing it...


    Yes.. Mine does that also...    Eddie


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