lost in a swamp

I tried a mission again and it looked like it was following point1 and 2 but after that it was just drifting away. I was wondering, what happens if a mission takes the arducopter out of range, will it abort and just go its own way? Atleast it did not return to home.. Gonna go look for it tomorrow, i have to find it cause that video should be pretty interesting.(yes i had my htc desire onboard filming, and i can still call my phone but i havent found the copter, very dense forest.)

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  • Grats for finding it! A tip if you didn't already know: you can use an app called "Plan B" to locate your phone even after you have lost it by remotely installing it through Android Market website.

  • I found it!!!!! Not at all where I thought i saw it landed..

    Omg..The PHONE IS STILL WORKING!!!! And the sdcard is now in my pc and ive copied the video that was recordet during the flight..this should be impossible.

  • It probably went to 0 degree latitude, 0 degree longitude.

    Is that far from you?

  • Very sorry to hear of your loss.

    My good friend lost his plane after it approached an unseen power plant in the middle of the jungle. First the GPS went haywire, the RTH arrow went in circles, then the video broke up and blacked out. By chance he didnt record the flight as he usually does. So no way to track the last gps position. A very big heartache even for me. After this incident he got a tracker on his plane.

  • My quad once started drifting when it lost the GPS signal from the unit. After landing (ok, it crashed, cause yet unknown) I found that the GPS module still had a lock - the information just did not make it to the APM. I've seen something that reminds me of a contact problem but I have not been able to reproduce it by wiggling the cable.

    On another flight I did lose the quad... the old buggy compass code may have been the issue there, but GPS was retained the whole time. I guess it wasn't of much use if the compass was wrong though. The quad was eventually found though! I sincerely hope you can find yours too.

  • I am really sorry for your loss.


    A German shop offers some kind of gps/gsm tracking device which sends an sms with its gps/gsm coordinates as a response to an sms.


    Google chrome should offer a translation: Tracking device


    Maybe something similar is available to you?

  • Okay this may not be very productive, but I think it is pretty funny that your phone went with it ;).

    Isnt there an app which sends the GPS data every 10 minutes or so via sms to another phone or something? That would be cool!


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