I need a set of actions in mission planner in order to lower the risk of image blur due to vibrations or turbulences.

To take a picture, the autopilot will first completely cut off the engine for a few seconds while stabilizing the plane in a level attitude (1 action cut off engine at the waypoint) before triggering the camera.(2 action triggering action at the waypoint)

Once this procedure is completed the normal navigation will resume and the small resulting altitude loss or path offset will be swiftly corrected by the normal flight controller.

Need help...

I have a Canon SX230 HS...can i make a trigger with the ServoSwitch V10? I dont have any experience on electronics can you help? Is there a tutorial...?

Meantime i'm waiting for a gent WIRE_USB C....

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  • Some of the commercial solutions (e.g. SenseFly) do this, and it can make a big difference. No matter how well balanced you've got your prop and motor, something spinning at a few thousand RPM is always going to induce some level of vibration, and the optics on small sensor cameras is particularly sensitive to this. I'd love to see such a feature incorporated into the DO_DIGICAM_CONTROL command, an optional motor off delay, so when a DO_DIGICAM_CONTROL command is executed it first shuts off the motor for the specified interval before pressing the shutter, and leaves it off for the same interval afterward.

    We need to be careful not to let that functionality slip into ArduCopter though ;)

  • 100KM

    The easier way may be to make sure your motor and propeller is balance and use some kind of vibration insulation, such as foam.

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