Lowering Gopro Gimbal on IRIS+ Quadcopter


I would like to lower my Gopro gimbal on the IRIS+ quadcopter by about an inch so that I can take straight-out videos without having the front two propellers in view.  By shooting videos with the Gopro pointed straight out, I will also be minimizing the undesirable fisheye effect of these cameras.  Can anyone suggest an effective method they used to lower their Gopro gimbal on the IRIS+, without creating noticeable vibrations in their videos from the modification?

Thanks for your help!


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  • I did it!  I used a Glad Container and lowered my Gimbal.  I had to use wooden rods on the legs to make them longer.  Not a fan of that, but this will work when I need it.

    Here's my test video


    • I use some larger carbon fiber rods and just slipped them over the legs and taped them to stay on.  I drilled holes in the container to help reduce wind resistance.  It works, but I'd really like a way to reduce the weight of the legs.


  • I'm trying to do the same thing, but haven't quite figured it out.  Will let you know if I do.

    • Jan and Gordon,

        Which gimbal are you using?

      Also please check out IMP Concepts

      I have tested the suspension plates for the FY-G3 gimbal and the tension plate version will lower it.

      Todd H. 

      3DR Iris & X8 UAV
      3DR Iris, Iris + & X8 QuadCopter Upgrades
      • Using the Tarot.  I'd love to lower it about 4 inches.

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