Magellan/Thales D12 GPS


I have an "old" golf gps which i dont use anymore and i was wondering if it might be possible to use it with Arduino? It is a Magellan/Thales D12 V.4 GPS as shown in the picture. Pict #2 is the pcb of the golf gps with a lcd on the other side.


Here are som specs:

General 12-channel continuous tracking OEM GPS receiver board

GPS parameters L1 frequency, C/A code (SPS)

Update rate 1 Hz

Communication interface NMEA 0183 V3.0 using standard Ashtech command set

Message types RTCM V2.2 differential remote message types 1, 3, 9

Serial ports One TTL full duplex for primary I/O

One TTL half duplex for RTCM

Baud rate Software selectable 1200 bps to 115,200 bps. Maximum recommended

character rate is 400 characters per second.





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  • TTL level is what you need and NMEA is the old workhorse, so yes, you can connect to an Arduino.

    Mind you, most of the people here are hot for faster than 1Hz updates and want binary rather than (ASCII) NMEA to save overhead decoding the data so you'll get little love from 99% of the people here. And, whether or not the AP or APM libraries support NMEA (bug free) is always a question.

    There are a couple of us old fossils around who still speak NMEA. If your questions don't get answered, send me a PM.


    The Thales A12 board and Ashtech commands are pretty well defined. You won't need the host processor board and display unless you have some reason to.


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