Maiden flight - Pixhawk v3.2.1 - Is all correct ?

Hi community ,

Yesterday and today I did 2 test flight of my fresh builded SF quadcopter ( 15" carbon props and 360Kv motors)

On the first flight, all is really good, loiter is rock solid, I just want to test all function , and all was pretty good.

Today, I've changed 2 parameter :

- AHRS_EKF_USE = 1 to enable EKF

- RNGFND_TYPE to use Analog sonar

these changes don't give good results as you can see in the second logs.

I will disable Sonar and EKF and then try again an Autotune invoke.

Does any one can review my logs file and tell me if all seems to be ok ? I would be very happy to have several opinion on my setting.

log 1 on Google drive

log 2 on Google drive


Thanks !

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