making own APM 2.0 purple board?

I see there are the eagle files on the product page for the APM 2.0 purple, so I was wondering if it was possible to use those to have the pcb's made?  It says "Not recommended for production, for reference only"  Is there somewhere where I can get the right files that are used for production?

I know someone who does it relatively cheap and we are planning on putting in a batch order soon.  I'm not really planning on using it for a quadcopter but for other projects for school.  


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  • I agree with Vernon completely.

    Building your own board isn't completely out of the question, however it may be difficult given some of the chosen parts. 

    I personally have opted for the ArduPilotMega board + IMU board, as I can make it myself comfortably, and it better suits my application.

  • 3D Robotics

    Yes, you can maker Gerbers from them and send them to any PCB house. But it's full of tiny surface mount chips. You can't solder them by hand. You'll need to source all the components and have some assembly house make them for you. Warning: It will cost you, all told, at least 2x as much as buying it pre-made

  • Does anyone know?

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