I have searched the internet in the attempt to verify the type of male connectors contained on the APM 2.5 and 2.6 boards.
The WIKI talks about 6 pin to 5 pin cable for the GPS, 3D Robotics indicates EM-406/uBlox MTK Adapter cable but does not indicate the connector type.
Basicly I have not found anywhere where it is specific and or specified as to the connector type for anything on the APM boards noted above.
The attached pdf is the APM 2.5 board noted with what I think each one of the male connector types are and what spacing they have.
Could someone set me straight on this or lead me to the documentation to verify or disprove my suspicions?
They are the DF13 type connectors on the cables. They come in different pin counts. Here is a link to a 5pin cable... https://store.3drobotics.com/products/df13-5-position-connector-25-cm Now you can google it and find the bare connectors, pins and crimpers if you would like or premade cables.