Manual specific to ardu frame?


I always thought the front was the side of the boards were the GPS connector is.

I'm not using that.  I'm actually using Rusty's frame.


The pics in the manual show that the board is actually at a 45 degree angle when using the X frame.


Here is the pic.


I have my frame set up as an X, but the front of the boards (the GPS connector) is facing between the arms, directly to the front.


Is this now wrong?


When I run the GCS, and holding the frame.  If I tilt to the right, (left goes up, right goes down) the artificial horizon tilts the wrong way.  Why does the orizon tilt left when I tilt the frame right?


So, not I'm wondering.  Two questions.


1.  Is the front of the board the side with the GPS? 


2.  When running X frame, do you mount the GPS side of the board between the arms, or canted off to the left at 45 degrees?  (As shown in the picture link above?)





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  • Nevermind, I figured it out.  The horizon is supposed to go that way.


    Everything is fine.  Ready to fly.

  • Yes, I think it is is old picture.


    This morning I took a close look at this.


    It does show the GPS connector as being forward, and does say to point it between the arms.


    So I just need to figure out why the artificial horizon is backwards.

  • I think the pic is just a leftover from AC1. The board must always point straight forward with AC2, which means you need to re-position the board to try out + & x to see which you like best.
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