Hi everyone,
I have a Solo 3DR drone and an Intel Edison. I would like to send commands from the Edison to the drone via MAVlink. I need to keep the Edison in host mode, as I need it for vision processing; this processing will determine the commands sent to the drone. I have the drone and the Edison connected via TX/RX, and have a common ground connection between them. I am running this MAVproxy command, as described on this site:
mavproxy.py --master=/dev/ttyMFD1,57600 --rtsctsThis is the output I get:
Using MAVLink 1.0
Using MAVLink 1.0
Connect /dev/ttyMFD1,57600 source_system=255
Running script /home/root/.mavinit.scr
-> module load droneapi.module.api
DroneAPI loaded
Loaded module droneapi.module.api
Log Directory:
Telemetry log: mav.tlog
MAV> Waiting for heartbeat from /dev/ttyMFD1
I think the problem is because the Edison is not connected to Solo's wifi. However, I
cannot connect to Solo's wifi because the computer from which I have ssh-ed into
the Edison is connected to my office wifi. Now, it may seem simple: why don't I just
connect my computer and Edison to Solo's wifi? Whenever I try this, I run into issues
in connecting my computer to the Edison via SSH. So, how can I get around this wifi
issue? Since I have the Edison and drone connected via tx/rx anyway, why do I need
to be connected to Solo's wifi for mavproxy to run off of the Edison? Do I *need* this
wifi connection at all? I am new to drones and MAVproxy, so perhaps I am missing
Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated!
*sorry about the code font at the end here; the editor is really not working
with me very well*
Gonzalo, this is fairly far out since your last post. The discuss.dronekit.io seems to be down (e.g. the entire forum). I was wondering if you happened to have another method of viewing the thread you were referencing in that link? I had seen this before but am unable to obtain a access to it or a copy of the info in the thread.
Gonzalo Garat said:
Why don't you try dronekit? It's a project intended just for that sort of applications and is supported by 3DR
Why don't you try dronekit? It's a project intended just for that sort of applications and is supported by 3DR
Why don't you try dronekit? It's a project intended just for that sort of applications and is supported by 3DR
Why don't you try dronekit? It's a project intended just for that sort of applications and is supported by 3DR