Mavlink Protocol- Checksum


I'm a newbie to this UAV and GCS. I was trying to communicate Ardu GCS with an Autopilot we have developed. We are using Mavlink Protocol. Could anyone please tell how to calculate checksum. I tried using crc_calculate function in checksum.h file. But not sure what is the input argument for the function. Thanks in advance.

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  • While trying to connect a generic board with arduino GCS by mavlink protocol, the GCS is showing Got Param(Sysid, compid). Then it freezes for some time and shows failed to detect home location and finally shows  mavlink connection failed. What could be the reason for this ??

  • Developer

    look at the mavlink_helpers.h file and at mavlink_parse_char(...) as it tells you exactly how to process a message.

  • What GCS ar e you using ?

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