Mavlink Protocol Sequence

Hello everyone,

I'm new in this Mavlink protocol. I'm trying to implementation of this protocol in my own autopilot system. I can include all header files in both arduino and stm32f103 microcontrollers and I can send messages what ever I want.

My problem is I'm trying to communicate with QGroundControl. In every website also in qgroundcontrol explains how send or receive messages but not explain how this messaging sequence works. 

I mean i am sending heartbeat message thats ok. I can send attitude message and also i can see that where i am in qgroundcontrol. I understand that i can send message and qgroundcontrol receive it everything is fine for now.

But qgroundcontrol starting to write " loading param list " something like that. And i dont know what should I have to send to it. I dont know which frame which message type etc.

Is there anyone who can use qgroundcontrol with his own autopilot system?

By the way sorry for bad grammer :)

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  • Hi there, not sure if you've already solved your problem, but I was looking for the same thing, and get well served with this sequence diagrams.

    Specially the part of read/write parameters.

    I'm doing implementation of mavlink and some mods to the qground, we could be questions/answers partners :)

    Hope this would be usefull.


    • thank you for your answer :D 

      I searched all links in and also found this link which you send to me. I tried to understand how this sequence works. 

      It's actually explaining very basic of this parameter sequence and also waypoint protocol sequence. But I dont think these informations are enough for design our own mavlink.

      When I m connecting to qgroundcontrol, I'm listenin USB with ft232 and try to understand which frames does qgroundcontrol sends. When it start to request_parameter, it send " RC_TYPE" for param_id. So I tried to send the same param_id with a value but it didn't work. I dont know what should I do :( 

      • Hi Mehmet,

        Have you found something about this? I want to know how to send and receive parameters to my custom GCS... I know that i have to use MAVLINK_MSG_ID_PARAM_REQUEST_READ and MAVLINK_MSG_ID_PARAM_SET, but i'm stuck on the param_id. Can you help me?

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