MediaTek MT3329 GPS 10Hz

I purchased this with full knowledge it wasn't ready to go out of the box. I'm starting this thread to consolidate efforts to utilize this GPS in the multiple projects here at DIYdrones.

I'm working with the UAVdev board and the MBED micro controller.

I have included the datasheets and associated documentation.

Here is a link to the USB installer software

*NOTE: Default baud rate is 38400 not 9600 as stated in the Datasheet.


Gtop MTK Module Design In Checklist -A00-20100323 .pdf

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  • I got the device and MAN is it SMALL!
    Any update on when the board will be available and will it be available without the module installed?
    Which cable will I need to go with that board and my ArduPilotMega/IMU?
    Thanks Jordi, great work!
  • FInally got mine wired into the mbed and it seems to be working it is outputting serial on the tx about once a second. LOL! I'll have to code up a NMEA parser next. :D
  • Can someone tell me how to change the factory settings (bds rate, update rate ect...).
  • Developer
    I received mine too today and darn... it's really small :)

    Well yes enable is always good to enable and will have a lot better success to get it working. Well time for testing tomorrow. Nice to see how it well perform.
  • I received mine today. I connected Vcc to 3.3 volts, GND to 0V, nothing comes out of TX pin.
    Can somone help me ?
  • I wonder if I can just wire this straight into my UAVdev board modifying the GPS cable from the DIYdrones store? I'm assuming it may need some setup for baud rates and mode.
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