MediaTek MT3329 GPS problem


Today i just received the mediatek met3329 gps with adapter from diydrones.

I connect it to serial1 on a arduino mega 2560 and load the example sketch found here.


The gps module after some time found a fix and the led was changed from blinking to solid on but in the serial i wasent getting anything. Only the first line "GPS MTK library test" .

Then i connect it with an ftdi cable and opened the minygps found here

The gps was working ok and showing all the data.

Then tried to update the firmware to 1.6 with Powerflash and same thing again. When i connect it with arduino it only showing this line "GPS MTK library test" ..


Can anybody help?im trying to fix it all day.. =\


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  • I am trying to connect the same GPS to a Due board. I have been looking at the code in the Ardupilot project and GPS_MTK.cpp has commented that it is for ATMega168/328 and ATMega1280/2560. But the chip on Due is different from all those listed.

    I have been trying many different options and changes but to no avail. These are the steps I took:

    1) #include <SoftwareSerial.h> => but SoftwareSerial library is not brought over to Due

    2) Commenting out the parts in GPS_MTK.cpp where it says if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) .... leaving only Serial1.begin(38400); => nothing shows up on the serial monitor

    3) Tried to import TinyGPS into the library of my arduino but it doesn't appear when I select File > Examples or Sketch > Import Libraries

    4) I do not have any shields available so I would have to do hardwiring onto the Due.

    I have connected the pins as follows:

    MediaTek ----- Due

    5V           ----- 5V

    GND        ----- GND

    TX           ----- TX1 (pin 16)

    RX           ----- RX1 (pin 17)

    Can I use the serial library to communicate with the GPS?

  • 3D Robotics

    The code you're using is ancient, designed for versions of the Mediatek firmware that haven't been out for years. Use the current code instead.

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