MediaTek MT3329 Issues

I'm having an issue establishing data from theMediaTek MT3329.  Its connected to the APM (Red board) using the ublox cable from the diydrone store.  The MTK adapter board has a solid blue light (Lock).  I have reseated the ublox cable a couple of times.  Is there anything else I can do to check the hardware?

Using the GPS_MTK_test and monitoring the comm port at 38400

GPS: Lat:0 Lon:0 Alt:0.00 GSP:0.00 COG:0 SAT:0 FIX:0 TIM:0
GPS: Lat:0 Lon:0 Alt:0.00 GSP:0.00 COG:0 SAT:0 FIX:0 TIM:0
GPS: Lat:0 Lon:0 Alt:0.00 GSP:0.00 COG:0 SAT:0 FIX:0 TIM:0

Using the latest alpha release the IMU shield (OilPan)
lights =
A - Green
B - No light
C - Red

Monitoring the com port
Init ArduPilotMega 1.0.1 Alpha
min / max from eeprom     -26214         -15729
Offsets   -0.00   -0.00   -0.00   -0.00   -0.00   -0.00
XXX Startup: AIR
XXX invalid home position

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  • Hey Guys! I bought the MTK adapter, but I wanted to use the GPS with USB instead of Serial. I have soldered a USB cable to it but it keeps on connecting and disconnecting... Any ideas??

    Best Regards ;)

  • Here is the code I pasted into the ArduinoPilotMega and uploaded. After successful MTK update you will see what looks like garbage in the serial monitor. This is the binary output. One you see it you can upload GPS_MTK_test.pde found in the latest libraries and should be successful. Please use at own risk this is my first program hacked together from a example by TCIII.


    void setup()
    Serial.begin(38400); // FTDI on APMega
    Serial1.begin(38400); // GPS port on APMega

    Serial.print("Begin GPS Mod");
    Serial1.print("$PGCMD,16,0,0,0,0,0*6A\r\n"); // Custom binary protocol
    //Serial1.print("$PGCMD,16,1,1,1,1,1*6B\r\n"); // NMEA

    void loop()
    // Incoming from GPS
    if(Serial1.available()>0) //Ok, let me see, the buffer is empty?

    byte incoming =;
    Serial.print(incoming,BYTE); // will output Byte values
    //Serial.println(" ");
  • I have confirmed the MTK is in NMEA mode. Is there a beginner guide to reset it to binary mode?
    I have reviewed the link in the store and understand I need to send the GPS a string to reprogram it.

    $PGCMD,16,0,0,0,0,0*6A = Binary mode

    How is it sent, via Arduino or connect up the FDI cable directly to it?

    Thanks in advance.
  • Hi,
    Not sure whether you have the same problem but my MTK was in NMEA mode when it came. I'm currently trying to follow the instructions on making it change to binary (link on its page in the store).
  • 3D Robotics
    That code is in flux (we're very much still in Alpha). I'll try to check the MTK parser this week (all the testing has been done on uBlox, which is the default for now).
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