Messing with frames...

First frame test...Right now its just made of MDF to check how things will fit...I need some adjusting in a some spots, oilpan fits a little too snug for my taste. I think I am going to shorten the arms by about two inches, right now its 21 inches motor to motor and lighten up the center frame with cutouts...I'm going to make an aluminum (1/4") / fiber glass frames first before I start making some custom carbon fiber molded wings and center frames.... It will be cheaper but more importantly faster for me to mill out aluminum parts in the beginning while I umm ***coughcough*** learn how to fly this thing and tweak it. Right now I am using 18 amp ESCs and 1250 Kv motors got 9" props on the way. Please post any suggestions you see fit.

~ Kaotic

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  • I see what your satin Sebastion... But take that link you posted and take all the aluminum he has on each arm (cross and vertical supports) stack them all flat and how thick you think that gets, I imagine hes using 1/8" aluminum. Gunna cut one out today and weight it, I'll post when I am done.
  • MDF is just to test how things fit its not the finished piece I was going to mill out of 1/4" 6016 aluminum and then anodize...

  • i would not fly with this frame, sorry
    your arms only have stability in x and y axis (if you take arducopter axis)
    but not in z-direction where the force actually is

    your motors pull up, center of the frame pulls down (electronics, battery, gravity...) your frame will not take this load very long...

    and it's too heavy now (to thick MDF)
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