think best case scenario, level flight, only weak wind - flying automatic RTL 

then the APM - for some reason reboots.

 plane rolls 10deg and pitches 5deg. - blame it on wind or last position of control surfaces.

Is there any chance, it will manage to boot, and get home ? - remember that gyros won't be perfectly still during calibration.

APM leveling data could be saved - would that really make much difference?

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  • I had mine re-boot in flight.  Switched to manual, it gave me control right away (thanks).  Tried stabilize mode and plane wanted to roll left in a big way.  Landed in manual without incedent.

  • Developer

    just a few points
    by default airstart is not enabled

    so the question is, where you using the default or not?


    if you rebooted in flight without airstart enabled i doubt it would recover, as the gyro and accell calibartion would fail

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