Mini 3DR Radios v1.6 bluetooth bridge problem

Hello Diydrones!

Last time I have ordered the cheap china 3dr telemetry radios. The inscription on them says that they're ,,mini'' and version 1.6. I've never seen them before. They works pretty good with Mission Planner and on the android device. So I decided to make a bluetooth bridge using HC-06. But I couldn't find pinouts for this version of the 3dr radios anywhere. I asked the seller and he gave me some documentation. I've found the tx and rx but they were hard to solder because paths are coming to the resistors and ftdi only. I have done that by soldering it to the 31th and 32th path of the si1000 chip and with soldered bluetooth module, the Mission Planner says connected, done, and stuck on getting parameters. Same on the android. But when I connect it by the USB and having HC-06 module wired also, I have the HUD moving on the Mission Planner and on the smartphone via bluetooth.

On the older 3dr radios it seems to only connect the rx, tx and of course ground and 5V+ to work just fine.

What's wrong? Maybe I need to somehow disable the ftdi part? Do You have any ideas?

I ask for your understanding because it is my first post.


3dr schemat.png

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