MiniAPM v3.1


I noticed a reference to this in a blog post:

It looks too-good-to-be-true to me.

I was wondering if anyone had already purchaed one of these, and if so - are they any good?


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      • Hi Dieter,

        Have you been able to test the board?

        As there is precious little independent information about these boards publicly available any review of the board would be greatly appreciated.



        • Hi Shane, tested only on the bench as I still waiting on a 250FPV frame, hope it will be here next week.

  • lol.... cloners :

    at least this guy's boards all work. 

    • I have bought stuff from Paul and have had good luck so far.

    • someone has already test ti?

  • mine is on the way, lets see, did you buy one?

    • did you buy one?

      No, not yet - I'm waiting for some early-adopters to report if they are any good :)

      I would be interested to see how you hook up the servos, and exactly what the white connectors are (are they DF13, or DF13-style?)

      Hope your board works out ok. It would be great if you (and anyone else who got one) could post a review back here.

      • The connectors are Molex Picoblade. It's a little different from Hirose DF13. 

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