MinimOSD issue- No on screen overlay


I've set up my minimOSD as per the diagram below, and, my Transmitter, Camera all work fine, however, there is no overlay data from the APM through the minimOSD board.

When I first set up the configuration below, the minimOSD board showed a progress 'booting up" bar on my screen, then paused and would stay at "Update Char Set".

  I purchased a FTDI serial converter, and using the OSD_Config software, I updated the firmware, the character set, and saved the current 'tab' to the OSD board. Done.

When I plugged the minimOSD back in to my setup, there's no telemetry overlay.

I've tested my 3DR radio and it sends all my telemetry data to the mission planner fine, so the 3DR Radio and cable are working.

I've even set up the 3DR radio and minimOSD in parallel, (making sure the tx is not connected), and, still no joy.

  • The only thing I haven't done is solder the D GND and A GND, and the D VDD and A VDD, because I have a secondary battery powering up the FVP camera and Transmitter, as in the diagram.
  • And, the telemetry cable from the APM has an extra GND wire going to the 6th pin from the top, (as in the diagram), and, I've left it there as I don't think an extra GND would hurt or help.
  • Bad board? How would I know?

Anybody have any ideas?

What am I missing?



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  • Thanks but reset does nothing but blank the video for a second. There is no "update char set" message, there's absolutely zero overlay graphics.
    I've triple checked my connections, mavlink works, and, I've even updated the minimOSD with the OSD_config program several times, still no joy.
  • Try hitting the reset button on the minimOSD board when you see the "Update Char Set" message.

  • You are right. Stop beating your head with a BAD board. I have the same. Turns out that there are many with the wrong crystal installed - 24MHz instead of the required by spec., 27MHz. That is my guess.

    See this thread -  Search for: 24MHz

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