Hi everyone,

I got trouble with my MinimOSD.

Hope someone can help, please.

Home Distance and Home Direction are not shown on my monitor when I use the OSD. I did select them and saved them to the OSD.

Also the warning "NO GPS FIX" is showing even if the GPS has definitely 3D fix.
Everything else I want to display is showing correctly.
I tried to reload firmware and character set but no change.

I use:

MinimOSD V1.1 with Config Tool on APM 2.6

I tried older versions of Config Tool and firmware.
The Home Distance and Home Direction is showing after I armed and disarmed ones. It should show after I armed the first time.
Also Home Distance and Home Direction only function if the APM is disarmed. Like arrow moves to the home direction.
If APM is armed, Home Distance and Home Direction are shown but not responding to direction changes at all. ??????

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  • Steffen, did you ever find a solution? I have exactly the same problem with my 3DR Pixhawk, v3.3 copter. with a Minimosd v.1.1.

  • Hi, had the same problem on my workbench configuring the osd. Until I figured of course it needs a gps lock to show home. Took it for a walk outside and as it begins to find satelites Home Distance and Home Direction are showing up on my monitor. Felt somewhat silly after hours of troubleshooting....

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