Hello there,
I have decided to start a new discussion on this subject as I can't understand why from time to time and without notice, my Minimosd will clear the screen from data overlay and what I get is clear video from cam. all looks to work perfectly before this happens and sometimes, too often I would say, Overly disappears without any notice.

first of all, I would like to know if I am the only one who suffers from this symptoms.
If any of you out there experienced or experiencing the same phenomenon, please come forward before I loose my sanity :-)


My Setup:
APM 2.76, minimosd extra r710, 3dr hw ver 1.1, 3DR telemetry. OSD is powered from APM 5V ( parallel to telemetry port without TX connected - only RX,GND, +5V), all soldering pads are soldered. Voltage is constant at 5.20V at all times.

Please remember - all looks to be working great, and out of the blue overly goes away like an invisible hand pushed this non existing OFF button which by then switching panels stops working - no control over OSD.

this can happen just like that without doing anything, or when switching to RTL using my remote control,  etc..

This happens with two of my identical minimosd's.

Thanks U.


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    • I did what you and now is working but at times the data is lost, and everything disappears, then returns.

      list of what I did

      - minim osd fw-change 2.0 from 2.2 copter.hex
      - Lower braided cable
      - Acquired a new bec reduced RF

      thank you

    • Someone also posted that a 150 ohm resistor in series in the signal input stopped the freezing

    • foto please

  • I know this is solved, but another reason you don't get overlay is a conflict between NTSC and PAL. eg, camera is set to PAL, but Minim is NTSC. Or the other way round.

    • Sometimes all it take is in a few words how to solve a problem and you my friend just did it…I have been searching from blogs after blog why is my Minim OSD don’t want to display the overlay when I connect the camera? …it works fine without the camera, but when I connect the camera it disappear, so I found your little comment “camera is set to PAL, but Minim is NTSC”. First thing I did was check the camera specs is PAL, then OSD was set to NTSC… there is, change back to PAL and woala….working like a charm. Let me tell you, I even became a member of DIY DRONE  in order to write this to you. Just to thank you. Tony.

    • I have an albeit underpowered mini quad (Hobbyking C20 motors and 12A escs), and I was getting a lot of brownouts on my MinimOSD where it would shut down whenever I would quickly add throttle.  It was ok if I gradually added throttle, but if I zoomed the throttle, the OSD would shut down and disappear for the rest of the flight (the video signal was still coming through, though).  In other words, the OSD would crash and not reboot.  This was with an OpenPilot CC3d, and the OSD running MINOPOSD.  

      I started the fix by first adding a separate 5A BEC to power the flight controller (which in turn was powering the 5V side of the minimOSD), but I was still getting the same problem.  The successful fix was to switch out the power and ground from the flight controller to the 5V power directly from the BEC (then I just re-added a power wire from one of the ESCs to power the flight controller).

      The interesting thing about this is that even though the flight controller was getting BEC power, it was still browning out the 5V output power to the OSD.

      Future wiring plans might involve having several leads from the BEC to power both the flight controller and the minimOSD.

      • You cut the power wire that connects APM and the MinimOSD? I have the same issue and my case OSD get stuck like nothing getting updates. So sometimes i look at the battery voltage and it would say oh i still most of the juice left and then i would realize that i dont have power. Annoying part is sometimes it works fine and then some days it would not work

        • I have the same OSD freeze problem as soon as I add power but it is consistant. I'm using minimosd-extra 2.2. Has anyone had success with other versions? I have run separate power from the BEC to the OSD with an LC filter to eliminate voltage spikes so I don't think power is the problem. I sure would like to find a solution to this.

          • There are two sources of power each powering one "side" of the OSD board, the 12V from the battery, and the 5V from the flight controller.  In my case, the brownouts causing the failure were on the 5V side.  When you say you have a BEC, to which side?  What flight controller are you using?

            • I use apm2.5 and my minimosd has its small switch mode power supply. I bought the newer version of the osd. I recently took off the power wire off from the osd connecting apm2 ,to check but I still sometimes getting the frozen osd. I really don't know what to do. Separating the power wires helped but not to the extend that it eliminate the problem. Worse part is both osd's I have not working

              I have 2.2 firmware on minimosd

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