MinimOSD W/ APM 2.5

So do I need a telemetry to use the minim OSD? Or can I just have my APM 2.5 and the minimOSD and be fine? I just want to know if I can fly it with all the data and sensors with just these two things.

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  • Moderator


    Yes you can use MinimOSD without telemetry. The more sensor input you have with the APM the more effective your OSD will be. Minimally a GPS unit would be recommended, and would be required anyway for autonomous flight. If you haven't already found it, check out the MinimOSD-Extra project here and the related discussion here. It's a parallel project to the Arducam project and has a lot of great activity. This would be a great place for you to learn about the capabilities of your MinimOSD.

    Good Luck!


    Nathaniel ~KD2DEY

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