Minimum loiter radius

Hi all,


Was testing APM again today.

Needed my plane to loiter with a radius as small as possible.

Set it to loiter at 10m height and 10m radius in Mission Planner.


Managed to loiter at 10m altitude, but the loiter radius was observably larger than 10m.

Downloaded the flight log and double checked it against Google Earth.. turns out that the loiter radius was around 40-45m.


Does anyone know if there is a minimum loiter radius achievable coded into APM(ie radius of 10m is too tight)? Am using Arduplane 2.26


Many thanks! 

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  • ... sorry, repeated info...

  • Moderator


    Just a quick question: Can you manually fly this plane in a 10m radius circle? It just seems that 10m radius might be wishful thinking on an average sized fixed wing. 

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