Mission Planner Datalogging

I recently downloaded a .tlog from mission planner and it seems that the paramaters are recorded at different data rates. For example, GPS is recorded at 5 Hz while battery voltage is recorded at 1 Hz. I wanted to know if there was anyway to increase the data rates so that all of the parameters can be recorded at the same rate? Is there a way to do this on Mission Planner (i.e. to manually change it on the software)? I just want to find a way to control how much data is sampled at a time.

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  • Hey there!

    Sorry that you have been waiting for an answer for almost a year. Sometimes that happens with open source sites like this. But I will share with you what I think I know:

    I am having some issues with that as well. I would prefer everything to be sampled at the same rate so I can simply copy and paste matrix information that Mission Planner will generate for MatLab into an Excel spreadsheet for easy reading, graphing, etc.

    There is a way you can set the data rate for sending the date from the APM to Mission Planner:


    Although I do not think that this is what you are referring too. You want every data point generated by the APM to match up with a corresponding instant in time. That way you can see the full current state of the vehicle. I believe that the time step sizes for each of the variables is available inside of the .cpp files that comes with the ArduPilot code that you can download for free from GitHub. You will need some type of editor (Notepad++) or IDE (Eclipse) to open these files properly.

    I am still looking into this, so I will let you know what I find. There doesn't seem to be any clear and obvious representation of what the sampling rate(s) is in any of the online websites devoted to APM. A lot of things need to be updated, but unfortunately we have to wait for better documentation ;-).

    Hope this helps! 

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