Mission Planner Error Uploading Firmware

Relative noobie here.....have been flying and crashing an IRIS and upgraded IRIS+ since April 2014.  Have upgraded firmware previously no problem.

I am trying to build a quadcopter and am now to the point where I want to upload the firmware.  Built from:

3DR 2014 frame

new PixHawk kit & all typical peripherals (including external LED)

Mission Planner 1.3.17 build 1.1.5472.17896

HP Windows 7 Professional laptop

Attempt #1:

start Mission Planner-> select Initial Setup ->Wizard ->select Multirotor -> select symmetrical quad

connected with USB cable direct to Pixhawk->get musical tones

select PX4v2 FMU from dropdown ->echoes back detected PX4

sexy voice says: "Heading to way to home, altitude is zero, ground speed is zero"

pop-up window: Please unplug the board, then press OK, and plug back in. Mission Planner will look for 30 seconds to find the board." -> I do this

lower left says "connecting"

then I get "Error uploading firmware"

Pixhawk lights as follow:  FMU side: PWR: green/yellow     B/E: orange

IO side:  PWR: green/yellow    B/E: orange   ACT: blinking blue

safety switch blinks red.  external LED shows NO lights of any color.

I've tried unplugging, shutting everything down, and trying again and get same results......the turn it off and turn it back on strategy.

I've tried to load the firmware directly from Mission Planner->Initial Setup->Install Firmware (skipping the Wizard)......same results with the same error.

Nor can I go directly to Connect even though the drop-down list shows the PX4 as com6....."No Heartbeat packets Received" message after 30 seconds of polling.   this makes sense because the firmware isn't yet uploaded.

I don't know how to proceed from here.  Mission Planner initially finds the Pixhawk, then seems to not be able to upload firmware to it.  Please help me out.

Thanks, Bud P.

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  • If it's any consolation I found a link on this site to allow me to upgrade M.P. It worked perfectly then the problems began after I did manage to upload the 3.2 fw.

    I'm up to setting parameters for the 2014 rtf X8 frame type. I repeatedly get an error message "error setting parameter". Can't continue or do any more setup so I'm grounded until I can figure out the problem. No ideas at the moment.
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