Mission planner logs: how to analyse multiple graphs?

In mission planner I try to relate multiple items with each other, for example acclX and barometer pressure. All I see are two straight lines because their scales are too far apart. Is there a way to have one graph assigned to a left scale and another to the right scale as to show a maximum of variance? Or to show no scale at all and just scale each graph to their maximum? It hard now to see any evidence within several graphs.

Thanks in advance, Arnold

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  • Ah, and me thinking it was some English idiom I didn't understand :-). What exactly did you mean? I do use APMPlanner occasionally but I mostly use MP, it is a little "easier" to use. But this logfile interface will certainly see me using APMPlanner a lot more.

  • I have no idea how the "it cakes well" happened  (but it was written on a cellphone , so autocorrect helped)  - still, mentioning cake did not hurt, it could have been worse :)

  • Thank you very much: this is what I was looking for. As far as I can see now, APMPlanner 2 has much better log file management controls compared to Mission Planner.  Thanks for pointing me to it!

  • Try APM Planner 2  , it cakes well, and also let you scale manually by setting min,max range per value (you can scale properly any data even if there is a huge spike somewhere that you don't care about.)

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Jun 30