Mission Planner only works for Planes!

I never could get Mission Planner to work with my PX4 because everytime I tried it wouldn't connect and freeze.  I followed the video posted by Vernon Silvers, Pixhawk, where he got it working for a Plane so I tried a Plane too. I never tried configuring it for a Plane before since I have a Copter. Much to my surprise the Plane worked and I was able to connect and see flight data!  If I select the plane like he did it will upload firmware and then connect and I get data but if I select any other craft like a copter or truck it still seems to upload firmware but when I try to connect it either freezes or times out!  Seems like a BIG PROBLEM for this program if it can't work for copters!  Is there a fix for this or an update that makes it work for other types of crafts besides just a Plane?

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  • I had a similar problem with Mission Planner on Windows 7. It was caused by the firmware getting out of sync with the latest release of MP. I solved it by installing a previous version of MP, upgrading firmware then updating to latest MP. It's been very stable since then.
  • Hi Steve,

    dare I say it??? most of the time when I personally have lit off over a piece of software like this I later found to my lament that PBKAC applied.

    Next  Steve, you know which vendor you acquired your PX4FMU and PX4IO or clone from.. not "I assume its 3DR"..

    IF is is genuine 3DR and in warranty then it can be RMAed and replaced.. if its a clone ?

    maybe not so much(depending on vendor).

    BUT if you want help here and there is plenty to be had for both paths its just folk need to know so that the path that will work for your hardware is suggested to you.


  • I have a PX4FMu V1.7 and PX4IO V1.3 connected with USB since that's all I have so far. I assume it's from 3DR.   So when I select the Plane in Mission Planner it says it's erasing then updating the firmware and the red lights turn off on the PX4 at the end with the blue and green lights on, then I can Connect and everything seems to work and I get all the flight data and everything.  I can also do the Setup Wizard and everything works through step 16 except for the RC transmitter and I don't have one of those yet.  If I select any of the Copters and try to configure the board for that it only gets to step 3 in the Wizard and won't go any farther.  If I do it manually it seems to work, says it's erasing then uploading the firmware but when it gets to the end the Red lights are still blinking so it didn't actually work!  When it was setup as a Plane and I checked the config files in the program there were settings for the Plane.  However after trying to setup the board for a copter, when I checked the config files in the program they still had Plane settings!   I don't see how the PX4 could influence the program settings.  I'm not a programmer but it sure looks like a program problem to me. Also a lot the times when I try to Connect the program either freezes or crashes, it seems very flaky!

    • Moderator

      I'm another user that uses Mission Planner not everyday but certainly every other on fixed wing and rotary , no issues. It certainly sounds like you have a hardware problem and you should consider returning that board.

  • Admin


    Is your PX4 from 3DR or elsewhere?

    One way to get the PX4 to connect in MP is to start the MavLink connection and then push the PX4 reset switch.

    I occasionally have to use this process with a new Pixhawk to get it to connect to MP over MavLink.


    TCIII Autonomous Vehicle Developer

  • 3D Robotics

    Mission Planner works equally well for Copters, Rovers and Planes. Like Sgt Ric, we use it every day in the office with copters on Pixhawk and APM.  It sounds like you may have an issue with your PX4, but this is not a Mission Planner issue. 

    • Chris, is there any way to test the PX4 in order to verify that it's good or not?  If it work for planes it would seem to be good though.

  • I use copter and plane alot on Mission Planner . Both work very similar every time for me. Are you using telemetry ?

    I think Mission Planner is a great and very stable software. (a masterpiece) I can't imagine the work and countless hours of work this must have been.  Cant praise it enough.

    • Thomas, I don't have telemetry, RC or anything like that yet, just the PX4 on the PX4IO card. In order to simplify things and remove any outside influences I took off the PX4 and unplugged the extra cables so now it's just connected with a USB cable all by itself.  I even replaced the SD card just to make sure even though I think it's good.  Using it by itself seemed to make it work a bit better and the programs don't crash as often now.  I can configure the PX4 so it's a Plane in Qground then it will connect and work in Qground, MP and APM Planner!  It still won't configure the firmware as a copter though in any of them however. 

  • Moderator
    Thousands of users (including myself) use Mission Planner with ArduCopter (and APM Plane) everyday successfully.
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