Mission Planner Pixhawk Accelerometer Calibration


i've bought pixhawk few days ago.. I need an help with accelerometer configuration with mission planner software . In pixhawk manual (that i have found here http://3drobotics.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/pixhawk-manual-rev7.pdf) i have read this words: "Select Accel Calibration, check the box for AC 3.0+," but in Mission Planner page there is not this check box!!!

I have downloaded last mission planner installer. is it a problem or not?

I have prompted and attached a screenshot with what i see.

Can someone help me?

Thank you



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  • Its not there for pixhawk any more, just click calibrate and follow the instructions.

    • I am building a hexacopter and using the Pixhawk as an autopilot. I am running through the calibrations and have completed the compass and radio calibrations. Only issue is with the 3d accelerometer calibration. I have the pixhawk level and all of the hex firmware downloaded so, in theory it should work. In several videos I have seen that the mission planner is supposed to give you commands such as "place vehicle facing away from you and on left side". However, no such commands have appeared and it just gives a timeout timer. At about 10 seconds left on the timer a failure message appears saying "Failed CMD: 241". I was told to flash the airplane firmware on the pixhawk, then reflash the hexa firmware and try again. However this has resulted in the same failure.
      I need of some tips and help! By the way, this is with the Mac APM 2.0 mission planner.


  • Hi Daniele,

    I have the same issue.  Did you ever get an answer?


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