Mission Planner Problem (hangs)

Hi. This problem noticed. When planning a mission using Auto WP - Create Spline Circle. After entering values. Mission planner hangs. And that is all. help me please.

Maybe we should say this to developers to fix them

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  • 1.3.39 everything worked. Thank you

  • 1.3.39 have not tried to swing. I have the previous version of the problem with the planning of the mission.

  • I try to download the latest version of MP 1.3.39


    You don't have permission to access /Tools/MissionPlanner/MissionPlanner-latest.msi on this server.

    Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) Server at firmware.ardupilot.org Port 80


    ArduPilot Firmware Download
  • Mission Planner Version 1.3.38 build 1.1.5983.12141. (latest)

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