Anyone else have this problem?

Whenever I go: Initial Setup, Optional Hardware, Camera Gimbal page it resets my Cam Trig type to 0 (servo) when I want it to stay 1 (Relay).

Whenever I visit that Camera Gimbal setup and then try to Trigger Camera NOW from the Flight Data screen it doesn't work, so I have to change the value in Config Tuning, Full Paramater List, Cam_Trigg_Type back to 1.


Even if I have written it to the Pixhawk prior to visiting the camera gimbal setup, it will still go back to servo type trigger. I have tried writing the parameter change and rebooting the pixhawk, and refreshing parameters but as soon as I visit that camera gimbal setup page it changes it back to 0.

Feel like I am chasing my tail with it. I have certainly lost time in the field over it trying to figure out why the camera was working but now isn't!

The reason I visit the Camera Gimbal page is to fine tune the camera trigger length. And if I want to make an adjustment there, I have to go back to the full parameters list to change the trigg type, and then test it with the trig camera NOW in Flight data screen and rinse and repeat till I am happy with how the camera is behaving. Totally boring!

For the record I am using the latest Mission Planner with latest stable FW.

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  • T3

    Hi Sandy,

    this is a long known bug:

    I hope it gets solved some day. But if you know it it is no problem to reset it to 1 in the full parameter list.

    Best regards,


    Mission Planner Ground Control Station (c# .net). Contribute to ArduPilot/MissionPlanner development by creating an account on GitHub.
    • Ahh ok cool, glad to know it is not particular to my setup or my pixhawk but a mission planner issue. Thanks Thorsten.
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