Mission planner Rx only


I am using the ArduPlane on an FPV flying wing and i am wondering if i can get the mission planner to work with only an incoming stream of data since i want to use a modem and send the mavlink from the plane to the ground station over the Video Tx audio channel and then use the MP to send data to an ardutracker for antenna tracking.

So i need the MP to work with only the Rx of mavlink can it be done?



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  • Hi

    I am wandering if i can get 2 telemetry streams from the APM board?

    one stream at 57600 bps an another at 2400 bps.. can such thing be done?

    i am asking since i want the faster one to go to the OSD for rapid updating of the data and the slower stream will go to a modem to send back data to GCS (for antenna tracking) over the Video Tx audio channel...

    Any idea? did any1 tried this? 

    Thanks A lot for any help


  • Developer

    to connect mp usualy required 2 way telem, to get the param list. using contrl t to connect will forst it to connect without this but it will still send heartbeat packets every seconds.

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