Mission Planner Vs MAVProxy

Hello, everyone! 

I am still noobie in the subject of drone programming. In this my first post in the forum (glad to be here btw), I would like to know if you guys could give me some insights about the tools MAVProxy and Mission Planner, that are the ones that I find more suitable for my project.

Without further due:

I am working on a project that demands knowledge about autonomous flight associated with computer vision and machine learning. Briefly, my drone has to be able to follow paths that are dictated by symbols of arrows on the ground, among other things.

I have noticed that Mission Planner is far more easy to use than MAVProxy, because the first has a graphic interface and functionalities of changing parameters that makes everything easier. Altought, MP doesn't allow me to use openCV because this library is not compatible with ironpython.

So, I started using MP for changing parameters and calibrating sensors with the objective of using MAVProxy later, with python scripts that apply the openCV library. Given so, my question is:

- After calibrating sensors with MP and also adjusting parameters with it, when I use MAVProxy these callibrations are going to be preserved, or I'll have to make them all over again with MAVProxy (if there is a way to do it)?

Also, even after callibrating ESC's with Mission Planner, some times when I tried to fly using MAVProxy only for arming the drone and control it with the remote, I noticed an weird yaw movement, that makes the flight inappropriate for image recognition.

Thank you all!

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  • Thank you very much for your answer! 

  • Connect a companion computer (a Raspberry Pi is fine for simple CV and quite cheap) to the autopilot, use whatever tools you want for CV on the companion and use dronekit to tell the autopilot what to do.

    You can use any GCS (MAVProxy, Mission Planner, QGroundControl whatever) to make changes to the autopilot parameters or use it to monitor the autopilot's state. The parameters are saved internally and persist across, the GCS doesn't matter. You can do pretty much the same with just dronekit and a python interpreter if you prefer, though I can't see why you would want to inflict such pain upon yourself.

    Companion Computers — Dev documentation
  • It doesn't matter what tool you use to configure the ardupilot.

    You could also run both GCS,  be sure to check out APMPlanner2 or QGroundcontrol, so you don't need to involve windows in your operations.

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