I have been building a quadcopter for about 2 mos.  

I get the MP firmware downloaded just fine and I even get the 3DR settings downloaded and saved just fine, but when I try to connect to MP I get an error.  (See screen shots).

I have solid green lights on both the Ground and  Air modules of the 3dr and the smaller red and green lights flash when loading data.   I am using the correct port and I have it set for the 57.6k baud rate. 

I have screen shots to show the settings which I hope someone will recognize what the problem may be.  

I appreciate all help.   Thank you all for what you are doing this is a fantastic site!

MP fail connect screen shot param settings 8-9-13.jpg

MP fail connect screen shot of detail error reporting 8-9-13.jpg

MP fail connect screen shot of last of run screen 8-9-13.jpg

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  • You cannot connect APM and Radio at same time.You must connect ground radio to computer and airborne to apm. power apm with batter or separate power supply and NOT USB on same computer. Hope it works for you.


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