
      Does anyone work on the two aircraft synchronization project? I am trying to modify the waypoints and the airspeeds of two aircraft over UDP from my UAV sync program. Is it possible to send these updating info to Mission Planner over UDP by Mavlink? Thanks a lot.


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  • I have implemented my above idea.

    I made a UDP server (UAVSyncSock) in simulation.cs to exchange the aircraft telemetry and control commands between MP and my UAVSync program.

    All the telemetry data can be found in the class MainV2.cs (CurrentState).

    Mavlink Comm functions are handled by Mavlink.cs ( so indeed, we do not need to worry about the communication between AP and MP)

    Here is the Simulation.cs I modified.


  • check this out. Also, if you are using MAVlink protocol to update stuff(waypoints/gains etc) through your UAV sync program, you'd like to check out MAVproxy interface too.

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