More power for 3DR quadcopter

I finished building my first quadcopter this week (3DR quad kit) and am very happy with the results. A colleague of mine who flies RC helicopters and multicopters part time for movie studios checked it out and said that it felt underpowered. Even based on my limited experience flying it, I would have to agree with him. I have the stock props from the 3DR kit and a 3S 2200 lipo, but I'm at 5400 feet altitude in Boulder, CO. Since I would like to fly a GoPro, I'm looking for additional lift and he suggested that I try a 4S lipo instead of my 3S 2200 and that I try larger props.

Does anyone have any experience and or recommendations regarding larger batteries and larger props?


Do you have any recommendations on sources or specific models of batteries and props? The only source I know of for props is the DIY Drones store, since the local HobbyTown doesn't carry pusher props in these sizes and I can't figure out which props to get from among the thousands available on the HobbyKing site.



Pat Brown 

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  • you would think between boulder or denver there would be a hobby store that carries apc props. shouldnt be that hard to find. just maidened mine the other day. have the regular kit from diydrones. flew great and very little power used to hover. using 10 x 4.7 props and live in Albuquerque @ 5400 ft. i would second on the 4s battery and finding above 30c on rating.


  • Distributor

    Hi Pat,


    I have customers running the 3DR kits on the larger 880Kv motors and 12" props, I would say that an upgrade on the ESC's would be a good idea, the 30 Amp ESC's are what I recommend.

    I have flown the Arducopter with this cocktail of motors, ESC's and props on a 4s battery, I can assure you the term "under powered" is not used with this set up. I know the 3DR is a little more in weight, but still you will have your quad out of sight in little time if you give it some "gas"


    A 4s battery about 4000-5000 Mah with a rate of 40c + should see you right :)





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