Motor fail?


I have an arducopter 2 and I can fly well with it but it roll a bit to right and pitch back a bit, i try to auto trim but after auto trim it goes many much more to right an too much to back and i don't know why. When i test motors in CLI mode i hear that the sound of the low right motor is low than others 3 motors and that the axis is a little bend. Is this motor damaged? I haven't done any crash. I try to calibrate esc in manual and auto mode many times but it pitch back and roll to right always.


How can i do? I must change the motor?



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  • I would disconnect all the props from the motors and then give the copter some thrust.


    Then feel all if there are any "big" vibrations on on of the "legs". If you find them I would look closer.


    I searched and the web for motor axis and there are many sources. So just look for new ones.

  • When the motor axis is bend then you should exchange it or buy a new motor. These vibrations could cause the sensors to make mistakes.

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