Motor stopping


This weekend i've changed my hexa from X to +....everything was fine, i was flying good with a lot of wind....but, on landing, my hexa fliped.

Result: 2 motor-mount broken. I've made 6 new aluminium replacements and installed. After that, doing tests on my room, i got all motors running, but after about 2 or 3 seconds, 2 motors simple stop. After some tests, 3 motors got this same condicition: throtle-up->running, stop after 2~3 seconds. 

What could be? I never seen this before.


Also, i've changed my sonar and i'm gtting a strong behavior: i've changed from a small shielded cable to a servo cable with 3 ferrites on it (without shield). Sonar is working fine....but after ~1meter, my sonar reading go back to ~60cm and start going up again. Any ideas? (sonar test on CLI)

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  • T3

    Kind of sounds like in that crash maybe something got into the motors, like a piece of dirt, or a winding may have a tiny tiny short, causing the speed controller to shut it down. I would try a different motor on the same speed controller and see if it still happens. 



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