It appears that there is support for testing individual motors according to this wiki:
and it looks like there are commands here for motor tests:
(The code was moved here:
but I don't see the ac2cli program.)
Is there a MAVLINK message for testing individual motors? I browsed through the common.xml messages, but didn't see an obvious one.
I'm using ArduCopter 3.1rc2.
I did this but the motors do not spin. Is it a hardware problem?
will the motors turn? I tested it via raspberry Pi and it doesnt work? must it use original APM? I'm using China?
how do you do this? especially using serial port?
There seems to be an "Builtin app" called mavlink, when I connect to PX-4 via terminal.
Cannot find any documentation on this though. Is it possible to send mavlink commands through this or any other tool inside one of the GCS's?
Is there a way to dump log files through terminal (using mavlink)?
The "test", "motors" command is still supported in the CLI. It's discussed a small amount at the bottom of this new wiki page.
Maybe what threw you off is that it use to be "setup", "motors" but it seemed like more of a "test" than a "setup" to me so I moved it in the CLI.
I have reported in other threads that I have been unable to get [test] [motors] to work at all in APM:Arducopter 3.0.1 with a Y6. The only way to spin individual motors is as Stephen said, using a direct Rx connection or pulse generator. The wikis are confusing because they refer to very different software builds over the years, so I find a lot of commands/parameters that are no longer present, as you did.
This would be a very valuable function to have in APM, though.. running up one motor, to check for specific vibration. I really don't like disconnecting the ESCs from the APM, and it seems like software could do this so much better (step through the motors with a Tx Ch7 switch, run each one up individually, confirm order and vibration)
There is no command in Mavlink to test the motors as such. The commands you linked are part of the APM software and can be accessed through command-line interface. They spin the motors one-by-one in a cycle.
If you just want to spin a particular motor, it would be easiest to connect the ESC's directly to your RX, bypassing the APM.
I found the CLI in the Mission Planner Terminal. Is that using a different protocol than MAVLINK to control the motors?