MP 1.1.75 Still not "talking" with apm1

Hi Guys

I been having trouble getting my apm1 to connect with the MP. Just upgraded to 1.1.75 this am but I'm still having this issue. However I've found that with 1.1.75 if I "wake up" the apm with the terminal mode, MP with then connect in the normal way in the other modes.  This issue cropped up after 1.1.71 which was connecting OK and has been a problem on an off since 1.1.50.


What's going on here?? Am I missing something?? Or is this an issue with my apm??  BTW: I have unchecked the "reset apm on connect" box in MP setup to no avail....




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  • I am having what may be a similar problem with an APM2.  I have previously used this with Arduplane and and now trying to build a jDrones hexa.  I am running windows 7 (64 bit) and APM Planner 1.1.75 mav 0.9 For some reason I get in an update loop when I start the program but get into it just by clicking no on update).  I have been able (I think) to install the Adrucopter hexa V2.5.4 firmware - the dialog goes fine RX TX lights blink at the appropriate spots etc.  When I then try and connect after completing the update it fails to detect a heartbeat.  If I go to terminal then when I hit return the RX light blinks.  All I get in the terminal window is "I?" every time I hit return.  Tried unchecking reset apm on uSB in planner setup.  I don't have the "set RTS on close" checkbox in the Arduino Mega 2560 cOM port that shows up in windows control panel.

  • 3D Robotics
    Did you check the "set RTS on close" checkbox in the Windows Control Panel for that port, as instructed in the manual?
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