MP 1.2.27 gags on demand

MP 1.2.27

Windoze 7 x64, 6gb of ram


I can get MP to gag on demand, although I'd rather not. 8-)


I connected to my board via USB, and entered the Configuration screen.

As you can see, I went to the ArduCopter Config screen.

Click on 'Refresh Params'.

After the 'Getting Params' screen downloads the board parameters and the Arducopter Config screen refreshes, do it again, and again, and again.

After about 18 times, you will notice that the greyed out 'Refresh Params' button doesn't reset as quickly.  Repeat more times, and the greyed button takes longer and longer to reset.

At about the 20th try, the MP gags.

I have been trying to tune my craft on a jig, and ran into this.

This may be why some have reported MP has corrupted their board, and they had to reflash to start all over, like I just did yesterday while tuning.  Read, change a param, write, test, repeat and repeat  Agghhh.

Hope the above information will help to resolve this.  Appreciate the excellent efforts of all who have been involved.


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  • Developer

    the problem is actualy with the standard params tab, and advanced params tab. this will be fixed in next release

  • Developer
    Raise this as a defect. I saw similar last night when I was doing testing with OOM errors.

    Personally though I think updates come too frequently. It more like all users are being pushed weekly builds. There is no way to comprehensively test all features in that amount of time. Maybe they should move to optional interim beta updates, and major updates are pushed only when they are sure of stability. At the moment one simple release mistake can impact many hours of time of users.

    I like the idea of being up to date on stable releases, just not all the quick fixes and minor features in between
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